How to find us
Travelling from Gothenburg: Drive in the direction of Jönköping
From Jönköping (about 120 km): Take Highway 40 (in the direction of Västervik) to Nässjö, go past Eksjö and Mariannelund. Turn right at the roundabout (onto Highway 23/34) at Vimmerby – you are now heading in the direction of Kalmar. 10 km south of Vimmerby (at the Storebro turn) follow the signs to 'Fredensborgs Herrgård'.
From Malmö: Drive in the direction of Växjö.
From Växjö (about 120 km): Take Highway 23 past Åseda and follow the signs to Målilla. Turn left at the 5-way intersection roundabout (northwards) and drive past Hultsfred on Highway 23/34.10 km north of Hultsfred (at the Storebro turn) follow the signs to 'Fredensborgs Herrgård'.
From Stockholm: Drive in the direction of Linköping.
From Linköping (about 110 km): Take Highway 23/34 and bypass Vimmerby. 10 km south of Vimmerby (at the Storebro turn) follow the signs to 'Fredensborgs Herrgård'.
From Kalmar (about 120 km): Take the freeway, E22 to Ålem. Turn onto Highway 34 and drive past Högsby, Bockara, Målilla and Hultsfred. 10 km north of Hultsfred (at the Storebro turn) follow the signs to 'Fredensborgs Herrgård'.

GPS koordinaten:
WGS84: Lat:N 57º 57' 62.2" Long:E 15º 80' 56.8"
RT90: X=6383506 Y=150004